Saturday, 31 August 2013

Rome In A Day, Well Almost - Part Two

Then it was back to walking along the river, past Isola Tiberina (an island in the middle of Fume Tevere) then a walk past all of the old roman ruins up to the Colosseo (the Colosseum).

Isola Tiberina
Bridge Across To Isola Tiberina
Arco di Giano
Santa Maria in Cosmedin
Circo Massimo - Chariot Race Anyone?
Looking Towards The Palatino
Arco di Costantino and The Colosseum
The Colosseum

When I was walking around the Colosseo the feet started to protest, the soles of my feet were starting to burn and I still had a little bit more to see as I started northwards on my way back to the hotel. But it was so easy to ignore the onset of two club feet when there is so much incredible architecture and history to take in.

As I walked along Via dei Fori Imperiali towards the Colonna Tralana and Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II I was able to see many of the magnificent roman ruins on the left hand side of the road.

Approaching The Back Of Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II
Colonna Tralana and Surrounds
The Amazing Ruins
I Actually Drew These Columns For A History Assignment When I Was 10.
Amazing Sights Everywhere
Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II

So it was back to the hotel.....20 minutes later I was back in the room telling Lesley everything I had seen, oh and about my sore feet...hmm, no sympathy for self inflicted pain, but what a day!!


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