Saturday, 7 December 2013

Our Time In Burgos - Part Two

Burgos may not have as many big monuments as some cities, but it does have a lot of pretty, beautiful, and amazing sites to look at and take in.

The Arco de Santa Maria
On The Puente de Santa Maria
Going Through The Arco de Santa Marie

On our first morning here we tackled the big hill and its heaps of stairs to go to the Castillo at its peak. What was once a magnificent castle is now just ruins with a very interesting history...don't worry I am not going to bore you with them here.

The Start Of The Hill Climb
The Remaining Outer Walls and Gateway
Walls and Reclaimed Turrett
Views Down To The Hills Gardens

Once at the top you can quickly explore the castles remains as there really are not that much left, howeever, there are some great view to be had being up this high.

Views Across To The Mountains
Old Castle Walls In The City
Overlooking The Cathedral

Perhaps some of the best scenery is to be seen along the river, Rio Arlanzon, which was used as one of the original castles moats. It was amazing how many locals just go for walks up and down this lovely area. At one end you have the lovely Parque de la Isla (gardens) and the old Theatre and the Paseo del Espoloe at the other.

Beautiful Treed Walkways
At Night
Puente de Besson and Waterfalls
Arcos de Castifale
Portada Romanica de Cereza de Rio Tiron
Garden Water Features
Fuente de San Pedro de Arlanza
Teatro Principal (The Old Theatre)
The Rotunda In The Paseo del Espoloe
Great Looking Side Door To The Old Theatre

Walking all the way to the eastern end of the old town using the river walk you will come across a statue of local legend and hero del Cid. This is the same person made famous to the rest of the world through the Hollywood movie "El Cid" starring Charlton Heston.

The Statue of Del Cid
The Statue of Del Cid

All around the old town there are great Plaza's and streets that are just fantastic to see.

Day and Night Views In Plaza Mayor

The whole time we have been here we have had great weather.....the mornings start of cloudy and grey, but this soon disappears and we are left with bright blue skies with no cloud or looks great out of your window, but the reality is the temperatures are sitting around 8 degrees!!!! Overnight drops to just below 0 (tonight down to -2), so as long as you keep wrapped up it is great!

So tomorrow we head off to Salamanca a few hundred kilometres south west of Burgos....just found out that Salamanca is expecting good weather while we are there...tops of 10 degrees, lows of -6!!!!!!!!!!!


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